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Quality Assuarance Office

It should be recognized that with an expanding global economy and the increasing trading of food stuffs. the task of ensuing food safety is massive and incredibly complex with no one country or organizational entity being able to accomplish the job alone. this new realization required a shared responsibility among countries who produce. process. distribute. prepare. consume and regulate foods in international trade.


We are without doubt in the midst of a quality revolution involving government. consumers and producers at an international level. food quality is a primary objective of foodservice systems and its control is a major function of management. quality is closely related to consumer acceptability. which may vary with the expectations and needs of customers. students. or other patrons in different types of food services.


Given that food quality is unlikely to be a single characteristic. quality has referred to sensory characteristics. i.e. flavor. texture. appearance. aroma.


Temperature and in some cases sound. assurance of quality food has been through purchase of quality ingredients. use of standardized recipes. and continues supervision of food production and critical testing of the finished product.


Although sensory characteristics are vital to consumer acceptance of food. a broader definition of quality includes nutritional and microbiological attributes;


In other words. food that is nutritious and safe as well as satisfying to the consumer.


There is increasing evidence that food safety is likely to be ranked foremost by the majority of the consumers. consumers have to eat to survive and it is a basic human requirement that the food we eat is safe.


Unfortunately notified cases of food poisoning have been increasing worldwide. the costs associated with food poisoning. both social and financial are substantial. food scares can cause significant changes in consumers behavior; inability to produce safe food can lead to bankruptcy. fines and even imprisonment. social costs include pain suffering. grief and even death.


Different approaches have been applied to identify steps in the activities of businesses. which are critical to ensuring food safety and to ensure that adequate safety procedures are identified. implemented. maintained and reviewed. recently. hcccp has been recommended as a preventive approach to quality control in foodservice systems.