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KASCO Building Maintenance

Scope of work:


 electrical, mechanical, a/c and refrigeration, plumbing and chillers maintenance




- Routine check up of all the kitchen equipment and the building


- Service/repair all complaints (verbal/written) received on the equipment and building by


- Bringing the required spare parts from the technical store.


- Preventive maintenance carried out on all equipment.


1. Maintenance of kasco building and kitchen equipment, primarily flight kitchen and cafeterias gourmets located in the following locations outside kascobuilding


- Kasco flight kitchen - transit and staff cafeterias inside the kuwaitairport


- Kac head quarter kitchen - hanger cafeteria


- Cargo cafeteria


- Crew training center cafeteria


- Flight service cafeteria - safir hotel kitchen (transit hotel)


- Kasco gourmet in kac head quarter, kaifan co-operative


- Ghraoui chocolate outlet in the airport and al argan


2. Building and equioment project


Study, estimation, documentation, supervision of new construction projects for kasco, kac and civil aviation like:


- Dasman lounge in kuwaitairport -new kascobuilding in dajeej


-All costa coffee outlets (approx. 20 location) in varies location in kuwait.


-all kasco gourmet and ghraoui shops.


-Transit cafeteria drainage network and also renovation work


- Study and selection of all new kitchen and building equipment